Webster's English Dictionary

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hear \'hi(*)r\ \'h*rd\ \'hi(*)r-in\ \'hir-*r\ vb or heard;  or hear.ing [ME 
   heren, fr. OE hi-eran; akin to OHG ho-ren to hear,]L cave-re to be on 
   guard, Gk akouein to hear 1: to perceive or apprehend by the ear  2: to 
   gain knowledge of by hearing  3a: to listen to with attention : HEED  3b: 
   ATTEND  4a: to give a legal hearing to  4b: to take testimony from {~ 
   witnesses}  1: to have the capacity of apprehending sound  2: to gain 
   information : LEARN  3: to entertain the idea {wouldn't ~ of it}  - hear.er 