Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. belief                
1. faith \'fa-th\ \'fa-ths, 'fa-thz\ n or faiths [ME feith, fr. OF feid, 
   foi, fr. L fides; akin to L ] pl fidere to trust - more at BIDE 1a: 
   allegiance to duty or a person : LOYALTY  1b: fidelity to one's promises  
   2a1: belief and trust in and loyalty to God  2a2: belief in the traditional 
   doctrines of a religion  2b1: firm belief in something for which there is 
   no proof  2b2: complete confidence  3: something that is believed esp. with 
   strong conviction; esp : a  system of religious beliefs : by my faith  - in 
2. faith vt archaic  : BELIEVE, TRUST