Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. commit                
con.sign \k*n-'si-n\ \-'si--n*-b*l\ \.ka:n-.si--'na--shen, .ka:n(t)-sig-\ 
   \k*n-'si--n*r; .ka:n-.si--'no.(*)r, .ka:n(t)-s*-\ vb [MF consigner, fr. L 
   consignare, fr. com- + signum sign], mark, seal 1: to give over to 
   another's care : ENTRUST  2: to give, transfer, or deliver formally  3: to 
   send or address to an agent to be cared for or sold  obs  : AGREE, SUBMIT  
   - con.sign.able aj