Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. assent                
agree \*-'gre-\ vb [ME agreen, fr. MF agreer, fr. a- (fr. L ad-) + gre)X 
   will, pleasure, fr. L gratum, neut. of gratus pleasing, agreeable - more at 
   GRACE 1: ADMIT, CONCEDE  2: to settle upon by common consent : ARRANGE  1: 
   to give assent : ACCEDE  2a: to achieve or be in harmony : CONCUR  2b: to 
   get along together  2c: to come to terms  3a: to be similar : CORRESPOND 
   {both copies ~}  3b: to be consistent {story ~s with the facts}  4: to be 
   fitting, pleasing, or healthful : SUIT {climate ~ s with him} 5: to have an 
   inflectional form denoting identity or a regular correspondence other than 
   identity in a grammatical category (as gender, number, case, or person) 
   harmony regarding a matter of opinion. AGREE implies unison or complete 
   accord often after discussion or adjustment of differences; CONCUR implies 
   arriving at a specific or definite agreement, as through a vote, that may 
   provide a basis for common effort toward a goal; COINCIDE applies chiefly 
   to opinions or judgments that are in agreement rather than to personsZE, 
   CORRESPOND: AGREE implies being in a relation that reveals no 
   discrepancies, significant differences, inequalities, untoward effects; 
   SQUARE suggests showing a precise or a mathematically exact agreement; 
   CONFORM stresses agreement in essentials; ACCORD stresses a general 
   compatibility; COMPORT suggests the absence of any incongruity; HARMONIZE 
   and CORRESPOND may apply to the relation of dissimilar things, but 
   HARMONIZE stresses their blending to produce an agreeable effect, and 
   CORRESPOND stresses their matching, complementing, or answering to each 
   other SYN syn AGREE, CONCUR, COINCIDE mean to tome into or be in  SYN syn