1. doc.tor \'da:k-t*r\ \-t(*-)r*l\ \-t*r-.ship\ n [ME doctour teacher,
doctor, fr. MF & ML; MF, fr. ML doctor, fr. L,] teacher, fr. doctus, pp. of
doce-re 1a: an eminent theologian declared a sound expounder of doctrine by
the Rom an Catholic Church 1b: a learned or authoritative teacher 1c: a
person who has earned one of the highest academic degrees (as a PhD)
conferred by a university 1d: a person awarded an honorary doctorate (as an
LLD or LittD) by a colleg e or university 2a: one skilled or specializing
in healing arts; esp : a physician, surgeon, dentist, or veterinarian
licensed to practice his profession 2b: MEDICINE MAN 3: material added to
produce a desired effect 4: a usu. makeshift and emergency mechanical
contrivance or attachment for remedying a difficulty 5: any of several
brightly colored artificial flies - aj
2. doctor \-t(*-)rin\ vb or 1a: to give medical treatment to
1b: to restore to good condition : REPAIR 2a: to adapt or modify for a
desired end 2b: to alter deceptively 1: to practice medicine dial 2: to
take medicine