Webster's English Dictionary

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1. des.ig.nate \'dez-ig-.na-t, -n*t\ aj [L designatus, pp. of designare] : 
   chosen for an office but not yet installed {ambassador ~} 
2. des.ig.nate \-.na-t\ \-.na-t-iv\ \-.na-t-*r\ \-n*-.to-r-e-, -.to.r-\ vt 
   1a: to point out the location of  1b: to make known directly  1c: to 
   distinguish as to class  1d: SPECIFY, STIPULATE  2: to call by a 
   distinctive title, term, or expression  3: to indicate and set apart for a 
   specific purpose, office, or duty  4: DENOTE  - des.ig.na.tive aj