Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. connote                2. mean                  
de.note \di-'no-t\ \-'no-t-m*nt\ \-'no-t-iv\ vt [MF denoter, fr. L 
   denotare, fr. de- + notare to note] 1: to serve as an indication of  2: to 
   serve as an arbitrary mark for  3: to make known : ANNOUNCE  4a: to serve 
   as linguistic expression of the notion of : MEAN  4b: to serve as a 
   linguistic indication of : NAME a known object or concept or a definable 
   class of objects or concepts; to CONNOTE is to imply the attributes or 
   ideas suggested by or associated with a term {"home" denotes the place 
   where one lives but connotes safety, comfort, privacy, intimacy} - 
   de.note.ment n SYN syn DENOTE, CONNOTE: to DENOTE is to name or indicate