Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. explicit               2. special                3. remedy                
1. spe.cif.ic \spi-'sif-ik\ \-i-k*l\ \-k(*-)le-\ \.spes-*-'fis-*t-e-\ aj 
   [LL specificus, fr. L species] 1: constituting or falling into a named 
   category  2: characteristic of or peculiar to something : as  2a: exerting 
   a distinctive influence on a body part or on a particular dis ease {a ~ 
   antibody} of a disease  2b: caused by a particular pathogen  3: ACCURATE, 
   PRECISE  4: of, relating to, or constituting a species and esp. a biologic 
   species  5: being any of various arbitrary physical constants and esp. one 
   relating  a quantitative attribute to unit mass, volume, or area - 
   spe.cif.i.cal aj
2. specific n 1a: something peculiarly adapted to a purpose or use  1b: a 
   drug or remedy having a specific mitigating effect on a disease  2a: a 
   characteristic quality or trait  2b: DETAILS, PARTICULARS  pl  2c: