1. \'di--*t\ n [ME diete, fr. OF, fr. L diaeta prescribed diet, fr.
Gk, lit., mann]er of living, fr. dia- + -aita (akin to Gk aisa share) 1a:
food and drink regularly provided or consumed 1b: habitual course of
feeding 1c: a prescribed course or allowance of food 2: something
provided esp. habitually (as for use or enjoyment)
2. diet vt 1: to cause to take food : FEED 2: to cause to eat and drink
sparingly or according to prescribed rules : to eat sparingly or according
to prescribed rules - n
3. diet n [ML dieta, day's journey, assembly, fr. L dies day - more at
D]IETY 1: a formal deliberative assembly of princes or estates 2: any of
various national or provincial legislatures