Webster's English Dictionary

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eat \'e-t\ \'a-t, chiefly Brit or substand 'et\ \'e-t-*n\ \'e-t-in\ vb or 
   ate;  or eat.en or eat.ing [ME eten, fr. OE etan; akin to OHG ezzan to eat, 
   L edereX, Gk edmenai 1: to take in through the mouth as food : ingest, 
   chew, and swallow in t urn 2: to destroy, use up, or waste by or as if by 
   eating : DEVOUR  3: to consume gradually : CORRODE  1: to take food or a 
   meal  2: to affect something by gradual destruction or consumption - used 
   with  into : to accept what one has fought against  : to apologize or 
   retract under pressure  : to retract what one has said  - eat.er n