Cross references:
1. wordy
1. dif.fuse \dif-'yu:s\ aj [L diffusus, pp. of diffundere to spread out,
fr. dis- + f]undere to pour 1a: poured or spread out 1b: not concentrated
or restrained 2: VERBOSE, PROLIX 3a: spreading widely or loosely 3b:
SCATTERED 4: moving in many directions - dif.fuse.ly av
2. dif.fuse \dif-'yu:z\ vb [MF or L; MF diffuser, fr. L diffusus, pp.] 1a:
to pour out and permit or cause to spread freely 1b: EXTEND, SCATTER 1c:
to spread thinly or wastefully 2: to subject to diffusion 3: to break up
and distribute (incident light) by reflection 1: to spread out or become
transmitted esp. by contact 2: to undergo diffusion