Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. occurrence            
1. in.ci.dent \'in(t)-s*d-*nt, -s*-.dent\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. ML incident-, 
   incidens, fr. L, prp. of incidere] to fall into, fr. in- + cadere to fall - 
   more at CHANGE 1a: an occurrence of an action or situation that is a 
   separate unit of expe rience : HAPPENING 1b: an accompanying minor 
   occurrence or condition : CONCOMITANT  2: an action likely to lead to grave 
   consequences esp. in matters diplomati c 3: something dependent on or 
   subordinate to something else of greater or pr incipal importance
2. incident aj 1: occurring or likely to occur esp. as a minor consequence 
   or accompanime nt archaic  2: occurring accidentally : INCIDENTAL  3: 
   dependent on or relating to another thing  4: falling or striking on {~ 
   light rays}