Webster's English Dictionary

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ex.tend \ik-'stend\ \-'sten-d*-b*l\ vb [ME extenden, fr. MF or L; MF 
   estendre, fr. L extendere, fr.] [ME extenden, fr. ML extendere (fr. L) or 
   AF estendre, fr. OF]ex- + tendere to stretch - more at THIN Brit  1a: to 
   assess the value of (as lands)  Brit  1b: to take possession of by a writ 
   of extent  obs  1c: to take by force  2: to spread or stretch forth : 
   UNBEND  3a: to stretch out to fullest length  3b: to cause (as a horse) to 
   move at full stride  3c: to exert (oneself) to full capacity  3d1: to 
   increase the bulk of (a product) by the addition of a cheaper subs tance 
   3d2: ADULTERATE  4a: to make the offer of : PROFFER  4b: to make available  
   5a: to cause to reach  5b: to cause to be longer; specif : to prolong the 
   time of payment  of 5c: ADVANCE, FURTHER  6a: to cause to be of greater 
   area or volume : ENLARGE  6b: to increase the scope, meaning, or 
   application of : BROADEN  archaic  6c: EXAGGERATE  1: to stretch out in 
   distance, space, or time : REACH  2: to span an interval of distance, 
   space, or time TEND and LENGTHEN both imply a drawing out in space or time, 
   but LENGTHEN can apply to one direction or dimension only whereas EXTEND 
   may imply increase in width or compass or area or range as well as length; 
   ELONGATE suggests a stretching out resulting in a long narrow shape or in 
   unusual length; PROLONG suggests chiefly increase in duration esp. beyond 
   usual limits; PROTRACT adds to PROLONG the implications of needlessness, 
   boredom, vexation, indefiniteness - ex.tend.ible aj SYN syn LENGTHEN,