Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. border                
1. edge \'ej\ \'ejd\ n [ME egge, fr. OE ecg; akin to L acer sharp, Gk 
   akme-] point 1a: the cutting side of a blade  1b: the sharpness of a blade  
   1c: penetrating power : KEENNESS  2a: the line where an object or area 
   begins or ends; also : the nar row adjacent part : BORDER 2b: a point near 
   the beginning or the end  2c: a favorable margin : ADVANTAGE  : ANXIOUS, 
   NERVOUS  - edged aj
2. edge \'ej-*r\ vt 1: to give an edge to  2: to move or force gradually  
   3: to incline (a ski) sideways so that one edge cuts into the snow  : to 
   advance by short moves  - edg.er n