1. plow or plough \'plau.\ n [ME, plow, plowland, fr. OE plo-h plowland;
akin to OHG pfluog p]low 1: an implement used to cut, lift, and turn over
soil esp. in preparing a s eedbed 2: any of various devices operating like
a plow
2. plow or plough \\ \'plau.(-*)r\ \'plau.-m*n,\ vt 1a: to
turn, break up, or work with a plow 1b: to make (as a furrow) with a plow
2: to cut into, open, or make furrows or ridges in with a plow - often u
sed with up 3: to cleave the surface of or move through (water) 1a: to use
a plow 1b: to bear or admit of plowing 2a: to move in a way resembling
that of a plow cutting into or going throu gh the soil 2b: to proceed
steadily and laboriously : PLOD - plow.boy n