Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dish \'dish\ n [ME, fr. OE disc plate; akin to OHG tisc plate, table; 
   both fr. a p]rehistoric WGmc word borrowed fr. L discus quoit, disk, dish, 
   fr. Gk diskos, fr. dikein to throw 1: a more or less concave vessel from 
   which food is served  2a1: the food served in a dish {a ~ of strawberries}  
   2a2: food prepared in a particular way  2b: something resembling a dish of 
   food  3: amount held by a dish  4a: any of various shallow concave vessels; 
   broadly : something tha t in shallow concavity resembles a dish 4b: the 
   state of being concave or the degree of concavity 
2. dish vt 1: to put (as food for serving) into a dish  2: to make concave  
   slang  3a: to do for  3b: CHEAT, FRUSTRATE