Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. scatter               
dis.perse \dis-'p*rs\ \-'p*r-s*r\ \-s*-b*l\ vb [ME dysparsen, fr. MF 
   disperser, fr. L dispersus, pp. of d]ispergere to scatter, fr. dis- + 
   spargere to scatter 1a: to cause to break up and go in different ways  1b: 
   to cause to become spread widely  1c: DISPEL  2: to spread or distribute 
   from a fixed or constant source : as  2a: DISSEMINATE  2b: to subject (as 
   light) to dispersion  2c: to distribute more or less evenly throughout a 
   medium  1: to break up and move or scatter in different directions  2: 
   DISSIPATE, VANISH  - dis.pers.er n