Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. faithful               2. continual             
1. con.stant \'ka:n(t)-st*nt\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L constant-, constans, 
   fr. prp. of constare]to stand firm, be consistent, fr. com- + stare to 
   stand - more at STAND 1: STEADFAST, RESOLUTE; also : FAITHFUL  2: 
   INVARIABLE, UNIFORM  3: continually recurring : REGULAR  - con.stant.ly av
2. constant n : something invariable or unchanging : as  : a number that 
   has a fixed value in a given situation or universally or  that is 
   characteristic of some substance or instrument : a number that is assumed 
   not to change value in a given mathematical di scussion : a term in logic 
   with a fixed designation