Webster's English Dictionary

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dis.so.ci.a.tion \(.)dis-.o--se--'a--sh*n, -she--\ 
   \(')dis-'o--s(h)e--.a-t-iv, -sh*t-iv\ n 1: the act or process of 
   dissociating : the state of being dissociated :  as 1a: the process by 
   which a chemical combination breaks up into simpler cons tituents - used 
   esp. of the action of heat or other forms of energy on gases and of 
   solvents on dissolved substances 1b: the separation of an idea or activity 
   from the main stream of conscious ness or of behavior esp. as a mechanism 
   of ego defense 2: the property inherent in some biological stocks of 
   differentiating into  two or more distinct and relatively permanent strains 
   also : such a strain - dis.so.cia.tive aj