Webster's English Dictionary

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dis.tri.bu.tion \.dis-tr*-'byu:-sh*n\ \-shn*l, -sh*n-*l\ n 1a: the act or 
   process of distributing  1b: the apportionment by a court of the personal 
   property of an intestate  2a: the position, arrangement, or frequency of 
   occurrence (as of the member s of a group) over an area or throughout a 
   space or unit of time 2b: the natural geographic range of an organism  3a: 
   something distributed  3b: FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION  4a: a device by which 
   something is distributed  4b: the pattern of branching and termination of a 
   ramifying structure (as a  nerve) 5: the marketing or merchandising of 
   commodities  - dis.tri.bu.tion.al aj