Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. soak                  
1. drench \'drench\ n 1a: DRINK, DRAFT  1b: a poisonous or medicinal drink; 
   specif : a large dose of medici ne mixed with liquid and put down the 
   throat of an animal 2a: something that drenches  2b: a quantity sufficient 
   to drench or saturate 
2. drench vt [ME drenchen, fr. OE drencan; akin to OE drincan to drink] 
   archaic  1a: to force to drink  1b: to administer a drench to (an animal)  
   2: to steep or saturate by immersion in liquid  3: to soak or cover 
   thoroughly with liquid that falls or is precipitated  4: to fill completely 
   as if by soaking or precipitation : SATURATE  - drench.er n