Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. soak                  
1. sat.u.rate \'sach-*-.ra-t\ \-.ra-t-*r\ vt [L saturatus, pp. of saturare, 
   fr. satur sated - more at MSATIRE 1: to cloy with overabundance : SURFEIT  
   2: to treat, furnish, or charge with something to the point where no more  
   can be absorbed, dissolved, or retained {water saturated with salt} 3a: to 
   infuse thoroughly or cause to be pervaded : STEEP  3b: to fill completely : 
   IMBUE  3c: to load to capacity  4: to cause to combine till there is no 
   further tendency to combine : MNEUTRALIZE - sat.u.ra.tor n
2. sat.u.rate \'sach-(*-)r*t\ aj : SATURATED