Webster's English Dictionary

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1. build \'bild\ \'bilt\ vb or built;  or build.ing [ME bilden, fr. OE 
   byldan; akin to OE bu-an to dwell - m]ore at BOWER 1: to form by ordering 
   and uniting materials by gradual means into a compo site whole : CONSTRUCT 
   2: to cause to be constructed  3: to develop according to a systematic 
   plan, by a definite process, or on  a particular base 4a: INCREASE, ENLARGE 
    4b: to improve the status of : ENHANCE {~ up a candidate> 1: to engage in 
   building  2: to progress toward a peak {tension ~ing up} 
2. build n : form or mode of structure : MAKE; esp : PHYSIQUE