Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. choice                
1. ex.qui.site \ek-'skwiz-*t, 'ek-(.)skwiz-\ aj [ME exquisit, fr. L 
   exquisitus, fr. pp. of exquirere to searc]h out, fr. ex- + quarere to seek 
   1: carefully selected : CHOICE  archaic  2: ACCURATE  3a: marked by 
   flawless craftsmanship or by beautiful, ingenious, delicate,  or elaborate 
   execution 3b: keenly appreciative : DISCRIMINATING  3c: ACCOMPLISHED, 
   PERFECTED  4a: pleasing through beauty, fitness, or perfection  4b: ACUTE, 
   INTENSE  - ex.qui.site.ly av
2. exquisite n : one who is too fastidious in dress or ornament