Webster's English Dictionary

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1. flat.ter \'flat-*r\ \-*r-*r\ \-*-rin-le-\ vb [ME flateren, fr. OF flater 
   to lick, flatter, of Gmc origin; akin t]o OHG flaz flat 1: to praise 
   excessively esp. from motives of self-interest  archaic  2a: to make more 
   pleasant : BEGUILE  2b: to raise the hope of or gratify esp. by false or 
   specious representati ons 3a: to portray too favorably  3b: to display to 
   advantage  : to use flattery  - flat.ter.er n
2. flatter n : one that flatters : as  : a drawplate with a narrow 
   rectangular orifice for drawing flat strips  : a flat-faced swage used in 