1. pulp \'p*lp\ \'p*l-pe--n*s\ \'p*l-pe-\ n [MF poulpe, fr. L pulpa flesh,
pulp] 1: a moist usu. coherent mass of soft animal or plant tissue : as
1a1: the soft, succulent, usu. mesocarpic part of fruit 1a2: stem pith
when soft and spongy 1b: a soft mass of vegetable matter (as of apples)
from which most of the w ater has been extracted by pressure 1c: a material
prepared by chemical or mechanical means chiefly from wood b ut also from
rags and other materials and used in making paper and cellulose products 2:
pulverized ore mixed with water 3a: pulpy condition or character 3b:
something in such a condition or having such a character 4: a magazine or
book using rough-surfaced paper made of wood pulp and ofte n dealing with
sensational material - pulp.i.ness n
2. pulp vt 1: to reduce to pulp : cause to appear pulpy 2: to deprive of
the pulp 3: to produce or reproduce (written matter) in pulp form : to
become pulp or pulpy - pulp.er n