Webster's English Dictionary

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1. gland \'gland\ n [F glande, fr. OF, glandular swelling on the neck, 
   gland, modif. of L ]gland-, glans acorn; akin to Gk balanos acorn 1a: a 
   cell or group of cells that selectively removes materials from the bl ood, 
   concentrates or alters them, and secretes them for further use in the body 
   or for elimination from the body 1b: any of various animal structures 
   suggestive of glands though not secret ory in function {lymph ~} 2: any of 
   various secreting organs (as a nectary) of plants 
2. gland n [origin unknown] 1: a device for preventing leakage of fluid 
   past a joint in machinery  2: the movable part of a stuffing box by which 
   the packing is compressed