Webster's English Dictionary

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1. box \'ba:ks\ n or box or box.es [ME, fr. OA, fr. L buxus, fr. Gk pyxos] 
   pl  : an evergreen shrub or small tree (genus Buxus of the family Buxace 
   ae, the box family); esp : a widely cultivated shrub (B. sempervirens) used 
   for hedges, borders, and topiary figures
2. box n [ME, fr. OE, fr. LL buxis, fr. Gk pyxis, fr. pyxos] 1a: a rigid 
   typically rectangular receptacle often with a cover  1b: something having a 
   flat bottom and four upright sides  1c: the contents of a box as a measure 
   of quantity  1d: the driver's seat on a carriage or coach  Brit  2: a gift 
   in a box  3: a small compartment (as for a group of spectators in a 
   theater)  4a: a boxlike receptacle (as for a bearing)  4b: a signaling 
   apparatus with its enclosing case  5: a square or oblong division or 
   compartment  6: a square or oblong hollow space or recess  7: a small 
   simple sheltering or enclosing structure  8: printed matter enclosed by 
   rules or white space  9: any of six spaces on a baseball diamond where the 
   batter, coaches, pitch er, and catcher stand 10: PREDICAMENT, FIX 
3. box vt 1: to furnish (as a wheel hub) with a box  2: to enclose in or as 
   if in a box  3: BOXHAUL  4: to enclose with boarding or lathing so as to 
   bring to a required form  5: to mix (paint) by pouring back and forth 
   between two containers  1: to name the 32 points of the compass in their 
   order  2: to make a complete reversal  - box the compass 
4. box n [ME] : a punch or slap esp. on the ear 
5. box vt 1: to hit (as the ears) with the hand  2: to engage in boxing 
   with  : to fight with the fists : engage in boxing