Webster's English Dictionary

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1. Goth.ic \'ga:th-ik\ \-i-k(*-)le-\ aj 1a: of, relating to, or resembling 
   the Goths, their civilization, or their  language 1b: TEUTONIC, GERMANIC  
   1c1: MEDIEVAL  1c2: UNCOUTH, BARBAROUS  2a: of, relating to, or having the 
   characteristics of a style of architect ure developed in northern France 
   and spreading through western Europe from the middle of the 12th century to 
   the early 16th century that is characterized by the converging of weights 
   and strains at isolated points upon slender vertical piers and 
   counterbalancing buttresses and by pointed arches and vaulting 2b: of or 
   relating to an architectural style reflecting the influence of t he 
   medieval Gothic not cap  3: of or relating to a literary style 
   characterized by violence, desolatio n, and decay - goth.ic.al.ly av
2. Gothic n 1: the East Germanic language of the Goths  2: Gothic art style 
   or decoration; specif : the Gothic architectura l style 3a: BLACK LETTER