Webster's English Dictionary

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ver.ti.cal \'v*rt-i-k*l\ \-k(*-)le-\ \-k*l-n*s\ aj [MF or LL; MF, fr. LL 
   verticalis, fr. L vertic-, vertex] 1a: situated at the highest point : 
   directly overhead or in the zenith  1b: being an aerial photograph taken 
   with the camera pointing straight dow n or nearly so 2a: perpendicular to 
   the plane of the horizon or to a primary axis :  UPRIGHT 2b1: located at 
   right angles to the plane of a supporting surface  2b2: lying in the 
   direction of an axis : LENGTHWISE  3: composed of economic units on 
   different levels of production or distrib ution {a ~ business 
   organization}ht angle with the plane of the horizon. VERTICAL suggests a 
   line or direction rising upward toward or approximately toward a zenith; 
   PERPENDICULAR may suggest a stiff straightness; it is more likely than 
   VERTICAL to suggest a straight downward drop; PLUMB stresses an exact 
   verticality as determined by the force of gravity - vertical n SYN syn 
   VERTICAL, PERPENDICULAR, PLUMB mean being at a rig