1. graze \'gra-z\ vb [ME grasen, fr. OE grasian, fr. grs grass] : to
feed on growing herbage 1a: to crop and eat in the field 1b: to feed on
the herbage of 2a: to put to graze {grazed his cows on the meadow} 2b: to
put cattle to graze on 3: to supply herbage for the grazing of
2. graze n 1: an act of grazing 2: herbage for grazing
3. graze vb [perh. fr. 1graze] 1: to touch lightly in passing 2: ABRADE,
SCRATCH : to touch or rub against something in passing
4. graze n : a scraping along a surface or an abrasion made by it; esp : a
su perficial abrasion of the skin