Webster's English Dictionary

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1. scratch \'skrach\ vb [blend of E dial. scrat (to scratch) and obs. E 
   cratch (to scratch)] 1: to scrape or dig with the claws or nails  2: to rub 
   and tear or mark the surface of with something sharp or jagged  3: to 
   scrape or rub lightly (as to relieve itching)  4: to scrape together  5: to 
   write or draw on a surface  6a: to cancel or erase by or as if by drawing a 
   line through  6b: to withdraw (an entry) from competition  7: SCRIBBLE, 
   SCRAWL  8: to scrape along a rough surface {~ a match}  1: to use the claws 
   or nails in digging, tearing, or wounding  2: to scrape or rub oneself 
   lightly (as to relieve itching)  3: to gather money or get a living by hard 
   work and saving  4: to make a thin grating sound {this pen ~es}  - 
   scratch.er n
2. scratch n 1: a mark or injury produced by scratching; also : a slight 
   wound  2: SCRAWL, SCRIBBLE  3: the sound made by scratching  4a: the 
   starting line in a race  4b: NOTHING  5a: a test of courage  5b: 
   satisfactory condition or performance {up to ~}  6: a contestant whose name 
   is withdrawn  7a: a shot in billiards or pool that involves a penalty  7b: 
   a shot that scores by chance : FLUKE 
3. scratch aj 1: made as or used for a tentative effort {~ paper}  2: made 
   or done by chance and not as intended {~ shot}  3: arranged or put together 
   with little selection : HAPHAZARD {(R@ team} 4: without handicap or 
   allowance {~ golfer}