Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. king's evil            2. affect                
1. touch \'t*ch\ \-*-b*l\ vb [ME touchen, fr. OF tuchier, fr. (assumed) VL 
   toccare to knoc]k, strike a bell, touch, or imit. origin 1: to bring a 
   bodily part into contact with esp. so as to perceive through  the tactile 
   sense : PALPATE 2: to strike or push lightly esp. with the hand or foot or 
   an implement  3: to lay hands upon (one afflicted with scrofula)  archaic  
   4a: to play on (a stringed instrument)  4b: to perform (a melody) by 
   playing or singing  5a: to take into the hands or mouth {never ~es alcohol} 
    5b: to put hands upon in any way or degree {don't ~ anything befor e the 
   police come}; esp : to commit violence upon {swears he never ~ed the child} 
   6: to concern oneself with  7: to induce to give or lend {~ed him for ten 
   dollars}  8: to cause to be briefly in contact or conjunction with 
   something {~ ed his spurs to his horse} 9a1: to meet without overlapping or 
   penetrating : ADJOIN  9a2: to get to : REACH {the speedometer needle ~ed 8 
   0} 9b: to be tangent to  9c: to rival in quality or value {nothing can ~ 
   that cloth for dur ability} 10: to speak or tell of esp. in passing  11: to 
   affect the interest of : CONCERN  12a: to leave a mark or impression on  
   12b: to harm slightly by or as if by contact : TAINT, BLEMISHM {fruit ~ed 
   by frost} {a horse ~ed in the wind} 12c: to give a delicate tint, line, or 
   expression to {a smile ~ ed her lips} 13: to draw or delineate with light 
   strokes  14a: to hurt the feelings of : WOUND  14b: to move to sympathetic 
   feeling {~ed by the loyalty of h is friends} 1a: to feel something with a 
   body part (as the hand or foot)  1b: to lay hand or finger on a person to 
   cure disease (as scrofula)  2: to be in contact  3: to come close : VERGE 
   {his actions ~ on treason}  4: to have a bearing : RELATE - used with on or 
   upon  5a: to make a brief or incidental stop on shore during a trip by 
   water { ~ed at several ports} 5b: to treat a topic in a brief or casual 
   manner - used with on or  upon {~ed upon many points} - touch.able aj
2. touch n 1: a light stroke, tap, or push  2: the act or fact of touching  
   3: the special sense by which pressure or traction exerted on the skin or m 
   ucous membrane is perceived 4: mental or moral sensitiveness, 
   responsiveness, or tact  5: a specified sensation conveyed through the 
   tactile receptors : FEEL  {the velvety ~ of a fabric} 6a: the act of 
   rubbing gold or silver on a touchstone to test its quality  6b: TEST, TRIAL 
    7a: a visible effect : MARK  7b: WEAKNESS, DEFECT  8: something slight of 
   its kind : as  8a: a light attack {~ of fever}  8b: a small quantity : 
   TRACE {~ of spring in the air}  8c: a transient emotion {momentary ~ of 
   compunction}  archaic  9a: the playing of an instrument (as a lute or 
   piano) with the fingers;  also : musical notes or strains so produced 9b: a 
   manner or method of touching or striking esp. the keys of a keyboard  
   instrument 9c: particular action of a keyboard instrument with reference to 
   the resist ance of its keys to pressure {piano with a stiff ~} 10: a set of 
   changes in change ringing less than the total number possible  or less than 
   a peal 11: a delicate stroke in creating or improving an artistic 
   composition  12: distinctive manner or method {the ~ of a master}  13: a 
   characteristic or distinguishing trait or quality  slang  14: an act of 
   soliciting or getting a gift or loan  15: the state or fact of being in 
   contact or communication  16: the area outside of the sidelines in soccer 
   or outside of and including  the touchlines in rugby