Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. forerunner            
1. her.ald \'her-*ld\ n [ME, fr. MF hiraut, fr. an (assumed) Gmc compound 
   whose 1st component is]akin to OHG heri army, and whose 2d is akin to OHG 
   waltan to rule - more at HARRY, WIELD 1a: an official at a tournament of 
   arms with duties including making of ann ouncements and the marshaling of 
   combatants 1b: an officer with the status of ambassador acting as official 
   messenger b etween leaders esp. in war 1c: an officer of a monarch or 
   government responsible for devising and gran ting armorial bearings 2: an 
   official crier or messenger  3a: HARBINGER  3b: ANNOUNCER, SPOKESMAN 
2. herald vt 1: to give notice of : ANNOUNCE  2a: PUBLICIZE  2b: HAIL,