Webster's English Dictionary

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1. hail \'ha-(*)l\ n [ME, fr. OE hgl; akin to OHG hagal hail, Gk 
   kachle-x] pebble 1a: precipitation in the form of small balls or lumps usu. 
   consisting of co ncentric layers of clear ice and compact snow archaic  1b: 
   HAILSTORM  2: something that gives the effect of falling hail 
2. hail vi 1: to precipitate hail  2: to pour down like hail  : to hurl or 
   shower down forcibly {~ed curses on him} 
3. hail ij [ME, fr. ON heill, fr. heill healthy - more at WHOLE] 1: - used 
   to express acclamation  archaic  2: - used as a salutation 
4. hail vt 1a: SALUTE, GREET  1b: to greet with enthusiastic approval : 
   ACCLAIM  2: to greet or summon by calling  : to call out; esp : to call a 
   greeting to a passing ship  : to come from  - hail.er n
5. hail n 1: an exclamation of greeting or acclamation  2: a calling to 
   attract attention  3: hailing distance