Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. lift                  
1. rear \'ri(*)r\ vb [ME reren, fr. OE r-ran; akin to ON reisa to 
   rais]e, OE ri-san to rise 1: to erect by building : CONSTRUCT  2: to raise 
   upright  3a1: to breed and raise (an animal) for use or market  3a2: to 
   bring up (a person)  3b: to cause (as plants) to grow  4: to cause (a 
   horse) to rise up on the hind legs  : to rise high  of a horse  2: to rise 
   up on the hind legs 
2. rear n [prob. fr. rear (in such terms as rear guard)] 1: the back part 
   of something : as  1a: the unit (as of an army) or area farthest from the 
   enemy  1b: the part of something located opposite its front  1c: BUTTOCKS  
   2: the space or position at the back 
3. rear aj : being at the back  - rear av