Webster's English Dictionary

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1. hock \'ha:k\ n [ME hock, hough, fr. OE ho-h heel; akin to ON ha-sin] 
   hock, Skt kan.ka-la skeleton : the tarsal joint or region in the hind limb 
   of a digitigrade quadruped ( as the horse) corresponding to the ankle of 
   man but elevated and bending backward; also : a corresponding joint of a 
   fowl's leg
2. hock n [modif. of G hochheimer, fr. Hochheim, Germany] often cap  
   chiefly Brit  : RHINE WINE 
3. hock n [D hok pen, prison] 1: PAWN  slang  2: PRISON 
4. hock vt : PAWN  - hock.er n