Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pawn \'po.n, 'pa:n\ n [ME paun, modif. of MF pan] 1a: something 
   delivered to or deposited with another as security for a loan  1b: HOSTAGE  
   2: the state of being pledged  3: something used as a pledge : GUARANTY  4: 
   the act of pawning 
2. pawn or paw.nor \'po.-n*r, 'pa:n-*r\ \same or po.-'no.(*)r, pa:-\ vt : 
   to deposit in pledge or as security : STAKE  - paw.ner n
3. pawn n [ME pown, fr. MF poon, fr. ML pedon-, pedo foot soldier], fr. LL, 
   one with broad feet, fr. L ped-, pes foot - more at FOOT 1: one of the 16 
   chessmen of least value having the power to move only one  square forward 
   at a time or at option two on its first move and to capture an enemy only 
   on either of the two squares diagonally forward 2: one that can be used to 
   further the purposes of another