Webster's English Dictionary

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re.gion \'re--j*n\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L region-, regio, fr. regere to rule] 
   1: an administrative area, division, or district  2a: a major indefinite 
   division of inanimate creation  2b: a sphere of activity or interest : 
   FIELD  3a: an indefinite area  3b: a broad homogeneous geographical area  
   3c1: a major world area that supports a characteristic fauna  3c2: an area 
   characterized by prevalence of one or more vegetational climax  types 4: 
   one of the major subdivisions into which the body or one of its parts is  
   divisible 5: one of the zones into which the atmosphere is divided 
   according to heigh t or the sea according to depth