Webster's English Dictionary

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il.lus.trate \'il-*-stra-t, il-'*s-.tra-t\ \'il-*s-.tra-t-*r, 
   il-'*s-.tra-t-\ vb [L illustratus, pp. of illustrare, fr. in- + lustrare 
   t]o purify, make bright - more at LUSTER obs  1a: ENLIGHTEN  1b: to light 
   up  archaic  2a: to make illustrious  obs  2b1: to make bright  2b2: ADORN  
   3a: to make clear : CLARIFY  3b: to make clear by giving or by serving as 
   an example or instance  3c1: to provide with visual features intended to 
   explain or decorate  3c2: to serve to explain or decorate  4: to show 
   clearly : DEMONSTRATE  : to give an example or instance  - il.lus.tra.tor n