Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tare \'ta(*)r, 'te(*)r\ n [ME] 1a: the seed of a vetch  1b: any of 
   several vetches (esp. Vicia sativa and V. hirsuta ) pl  2: a weed of 
   grainfields usu. held to be the darnel  pl  3: an undesirable element 
2. tare n [ME, fr. MF, fr. OIt tara, fr. Ar tsub-dot>arhsub-dot>]a, lit., 
   that which is removed 1: a deduction from the gross weight of a substance 
   and its container made  in allowance for the weight of the container 2: 
   COUNTERWEIGHT; esp : an empty vessel similar to a containe r used to 
   counterpoise change in weight of the container due to conditions (as 
   temperature or moisture)
3. tare vt : to ascertain or mark the tare of; esp : to weigh so as to 
   deter mine the tare