Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mer.it \'mer-*t\ n [ME, fr. OF merite, fr. L meritum, fr. neut. of 
   meritus, pp.]of mere-re to deserve, earn; akin to Gk meros part, L memor 
   mindful - more at MEMORY obs  1a: reward or punishment due  1b: the 
   qualities or actions that constitute the basis of one's deserts  1c: a 
   praiseworthy quality : VIRTUE  1d: character or conduct deserving reward, 
   honor, or esteem  2: spiritual credit held to be earned by performance of 
   righteous acts and  to ensure future benefits pl  2a: the intrinsic rights 
   and wrongs of a legal case as determined by substa nce rather than form 2b: 
   legal significance, standing, or importance 
2. merit vt : to be worthy of or entitled or liable to : EARN  obs  1: to 
   be entitled to reward or honor  2: DESERVE