Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. last                  
1. fi.nal \'fi-n-*l\ \'fi-n -*l-e-, 'fi-n-le-\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L 
   finalis, fr. finis boundary, end] 1a: not to be altered or undone : 
   CONCLUSIVE  1b: of or relating to a concluding court action or proceeding 
   {~ d ecree} 2: constituting the ultimate in degree or development {the ~ 
   clima x} 3: of or relating to the ultimate purpose or result of a process 
   {the R@ goal of life} 4: relating to or occurring at the end or conclusion  
   - fi.nal.ly av
2. final n : something final : as  : a deciding match, game, or trial  : 
   the last examination in a course