Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. importance            
mo.ment \'mo--m*nt\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L momentum movement, particle 
   sufficient to turn the sca]les, moment, fr. move-re to move 1: a minute 
   portion or point of time : INSTANT  2: a time of excellence or 
   conspicuousness {he has his ~s}  3: importance in influence or effect : 
   CONSEQUENCE  obs  4: a cause or motive of action  5: a stage in historical 
   or logical development  6a: tendency or measure of tendency to produce 
   motion esp. about a point or  axis 6b: the product of quantity (as a force) 
   and the distance to a particular a xis or point 7: the sum of all products 
   formed by multiplying a power of the deviation o f a value of a statistical 
   variable from a specified point by its frequency at the value