Webster's English Dictionary

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1. in.vo.lute \'in-v*-.lu:t\ aj [L involutus involved, fr. pp. of 
   involvere] 1a1: curled spirally  1a2: having the whorls closely coiled {~ 
   shell}  1b1: curled or curved inward  1b2: having the edges rolled over the 
   upper surface toward the midrib {a n ~ leaf} 2: INVOLVED, INTRICATE  - 
   in.vo.lute.ly av
2. involute n : a curve traced by a point on a thread kept taut as it is 
   unwound from an other curve
3. in.vo.lute \.in-v*-'lu:t\ vi 1: to become involute  2a: to return to a 
   former condition  2b: to become cleared up : DISAPPEAR