Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. jest                  
1. joke \'jo-k\ n [L jocus; akin to OHG gehan to san, Skt ya-cati he 
   implore]s 1a: something said or done to provoke laughter; esp : a brief 
   oral  narrative with a climatic humorous twist 1b1: the humorous or 
   ridiculous element in something  1b2: RAILLERY, KIDDING {can't take a ~}  
   1c: PRACTICAL JOKE  1d: LAUGHINGSTOCK  2a: something lacking substance, 
   genuineness, or quality  2b: something presenting no difficulty 
2. joke \'jo--kin-le-\ vi : to make jokes : JEST  1: to make the object of 
   a joke : KID  2: to get by joking  - jok.ing.ly av