Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. practicable           
prac.ti.cal \'prak-ti-k*l\ \.prak-ti-'kal-*t-e-\ \'prak-ti-k(*-)le-\ 
   \-k*l-n*s\ aj [LL practicus, fr. Gk praktikos, fr. prassein to pass over, 
   f]are, do; akin to Gk peran to pass through - more at FARE 1: actively 
   engaged in some course of action or occupation  2a: of, relating to, or 
   manifested in practice or action {for ~ pu rposes} 2b: being such in 
   practice or effect : VIRTUAL {a ~ failur e} 3: capable of being put to use 
   or account : USEFUL  4a: disposed to action as opposed to speculation or 
   abstraction  4b1: qualified by practice or practical training  4b2: 
   designed to supplement theoretical training by experience  5: concerned 
   with voluntary action and ethical decisions {~ reason } - prac.ti.cal.i.ty 