Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. irritate              
pro.voke \pr*-'vo-k\ vt [ME provoken, fr. MF provoquer, fr. L provocare, 
   fr. pro-)X forth + vocare to call - more at PRO-, VOICE archaic  1a: 
   AROUSE, STIR  1b: to incite to anger : INCENSE  2a: to call forth : EVOKE  
   2b: to stir up purposely : INDUCE  2c: to provide the needed stimulus for : 
   OCCASION N mean to arouse as if by pricking. PROVOKE directs attention to 
   the response called forth and most often applies to an angry or vexed 
   reaction; EXCITE implies a stirring up or moving profoundly; STIMULATE 
   suggests a rousing out of lethargy, quiescence, or indifference; PIQUE 
   suggests stimulating by mild irritation or challenge; QUICKEN implies 
   benficially stimulating and making active or lively SYN syn PROVOKE,