Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ju.ve.nile \'ju:-v*-.ni-l, -v*n-*l\ aj [F or L; F juve`nile, fr. L 
   juvenilis, fr. juvenis young per]son - more at YOUNG 1: physiologically 
   immature or undeveloped : YOUNG  2: of, relating to, or characteristic of 
   children or young people  3: reflecting psychological or intellectual 
   immaturity : CHILDISH 
2. juvenile n 1a: a young person : YOUTH  1b: a book for young people  2: a 
   young individual resembling an adult of its kind except in size and re 
   productive activity : as 2a: a fledged bird not yet in adult plumage  2b: a 
   2-year old racehorse  3: one who plays youthful parts