Webster's English Dictionary

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1. lac.quer \'lak-*r\ n [Pg lacre` sealing wax, fr. laca lac, fr. Ar lakk, 
   fr. Per (Xlak 1a: a spirit varnish (as shellac)  1b: any of various durable 
   natural varnishes; esp : a varnish obtai ned from an Asiatic sumac (Rhus 
   verniciflua) 2: any of various clear or colored synthetic organic coatings 
   that typicall y dry to form a film by evaporation of a volatile constituent
2. lacquer \-(*-)rin\ \'lak-*r-*r\ vt or lac.quer.ing 1: to coat with 
   lacquer  2: to give a smooth finish or appearance to  - lac.quer.er n